Digital signage
It is an innovative media that can broadcast beautiful digital content.
We offer clients the most sought-after sites
across the country to access to valuable and targeted audiences.
Advertising media at the fundamental place of life, where you visit on your milestone
Signage set up around resident counter in local government office (city hall or ward office) or waiting room in city hospitals. Media transmitting information from local government or advertisers.

Characteristics of community vision
Faithful media at public facility
Advertisements are examined by the local government before broadcasting and only those were approved will be on screen. “Advertisements broadcasted at public facilities” are reliable and faithful. Thus, by transmitting your information through community vision, it enables you to penetrate the reliable and faithful brand image of your company in the society, in addition to just offering information.

Staying type media that you are exposed while waiting
The most important criterion to decide the location to set up community vision is that the place is where visitors stay there for relatively long time so that we can make the most of the customer appeal effect of the ad. For example, “in front of waiting chairs at Resident Division” of the local government office, “in waiting room that people stay before and after medical examination” at public hospitals are ideal locations.
Especially “in front of waiting chairs at Resident Division”, we establish together with the monitor to display the ticket number in order that the advertisements would come into view of visitors naturally.

Multiple media in one local government
Community vision is a community-based digital signage for those who visit the public places on their milestones such as moving-in, marriage, childbirth, child-raising or retirement. We aim to “transmit information to the whole local area” by setting up community vision in multiple public facilities including branch offices or sport centres in order to spread your information to more residents in the community.

Procedure to set up
- Apply
- Decide the location
- Produce or submit content
- Approve broadcast content
- Advertising review
- Start broadcasting