To make “SDGs” familiar, use of out-of-home advertising media unique to an advertising company.
As a member of Nagata Advertising which has out-of-home media, we think about how to make people aware of SDGs.
Community vision is a digital signage media operated by Advertising Nagata and is present in more than 470 local government buildings and municipal hospitals nationwide.
The media is for disseminating information from local governments to local residents, and which are operated by advertisements of local companies. Some of the advertising fee are also used as financial resources for local governments.
By using this community vision, we cooperated with local governments and disseminated information through a video, “Pico Taro × Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SDGs) ~ PPAP ~”. This video was created by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in order to promote awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
SDGs activities are not limited to schools, public organizations, and private companies. Local residents’ activities and attitude are also important. However, the number of people who are aware of this international goal in their daily lives and have a strong interest in the attempts of the Japanese government may by no means be large.
What are “SDGs”? First of all, we need to promote awareness of the word “SDGs”.
The Japanese government is using Pico Taro, a world-famous singer-songwriter to promote SDGs both within and outside Japan.
As for Advertising Nagata, the challenge was how to use its media to disseminate SDGs to the local residents, and our answer was through the community vision. We hope that visitors to the local government buildings would watch a 60-second video of Pico Taro through the community vision, thus more and more people are interested in the SDGs.
For people who haven’t heard the word SDGs before, this video alone may not give them a thorough understanding of its significance, initiatives and content.
However, PPAP’s melody which gained great popularity in the world, and high impact character of Pico Taro may make people feel like “What? SDGs?” “What is SDGs?” If people will have this feeling after watching the videos, we believe this activity is worthwhile.
Cooperation of local governments is also essential for broadcasting in this community vision. The number of local governments that we have asked and cooperated with has reached more than 330 nationwide.
During the three-month broadcast period, there were a lot of reaction and reputation in social media.
NAGATA’s unique approach using out-of-home media overseas
We expanded our disseminating activity of SDGs to Malaysia where one of our subsidiaries is located. For the SGDs to be successful, it must be promoted not only in Japan but also all over the world.
We have a huge LED vision in Bukit Bintang, the downtown area of Malaysia’s capital city, Kuala Lumpur. Usually, commercials of large companies are broadcasted, but “Pico Taro × Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SDGs) ~ PPAP ~” was also broadcasted as public information.
Because Pico Taro is also popular in Malaysia, the activity was also released in local media. We believe that this is a way for people living in Malaysia to know and think about SDGs, and it will be the first step to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
Nagata Advertising with its many years of experience in awareness-raising activities, is working on unique initiatives to help promote the SDGs within and outside Japan