
To protect ourselves from disaster ~Transmission of emergency information by digital signage~

When an emergency such as a natural disaster happens, the important thing is to save lives first. It is essential to broadcast emergency information promptly to save lives. Nagata Advertising added a function in our media “community vision” (digital signage in the local government buildings) to make broadcasting during an emergency easier and faster.

Sustainable cities and communities Partnerships for the goals

In recent years, Japan has experienced unavoidable natural disaster such as large-scale earthquakes, powerful typhoons, torrential rains and volcanic eruptions.  In addition, heavy rains that cause landslide disasters, temperature rises that cause heat stroke, and the spread of pathogenic bacteria that may cause widespread damage have been more and more common. Because we live in a place where these emergencies can happen, it is very important to be ready to protect lives.

There are many things that we should do to protect lives in case of emergency, getting accurate information is one of the first steps. Since we operate the media “community vision” that sends information in the local government buildings such as the city halls and the ward offices, we believe that providing accurate emergency information through this media can protect lives of people living in the community.

One of our first initiative was to add a function to broadcast emergency information in the event of emergency to the community vision which we set up at Tagajo City Hall in Miyagi Prefecture, last June 14, 2019.

Community vision can promptly broadcast emergency bulletins and disaster-related information to be transmitted in cooperation with suppliers providing emergency bulletins.The disaster information we get from smartphones and TVs can be immediately transmitted in our community vision. This quickness of information dissemination can save lives. It is important role for a media company contribute to society.

Nagata Advertising, started this initiative with Tagajyo City and plans to spread this effort using community vision with more than 400 municipalities nationwide, and will continue to contribute to the development of safer and more secure towns.