Billboard in Bagan
Installed more than 20 billboards trash bins mainly in commercial facilities in the city and tourist spots
1) Increase of domestic and foreign tourists in Bagan
Bagan is one of the greatest Buddhist sanctuaries in Myanmar and considered as one of the world’s top three Buddhist ruins with Angkor Wat in Cambodia and Borobudur in Indonesia. It is said that the Bagan has more than 3,000 of pagodas and temples.
The number of tourists has been increasing by the year, and it is expected to grow more in the future because of the Tourism Visa waiver for Japanese (*) from October 2018 and registration to the World Heritage in July 2019.
(* It is temporary measures until September 2020, but it is expected to be continued.)
2) Best location to appeal to tourists
About 20 billboards are placed at ruins such as Bagan, Nyaung-U Airport, which is the gate to the cities, and the major side roads to the tourist spots. These billboards located where both domestic and foreign tourists frequently visit would help you to promote your products very effectively.